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Rustic Charm - London Tan

$1.99 SQ FT REG $2.79

Rustic Charm - London Tan

$1.99 SQ FT REG $2.79
Sku: VP-CEX-190L-1
Width: 7.25 inches
Thickness: 5 mm
Sf Per Box: 23.95
Weight Per Box: 41.00 lbs
Dimensions: 7.25"x 48"x 5mm, 20mil
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* CarpetExpress Recommends Adding 5% For Waste.



Experience the Ultimate in Waterproof Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring with our Rustic Charm Collection! Featuring Extra-Large 7.25"x48.8" High Definition Planks with a Durable 20mil Wear Layer and Attached High-Density IXPE Pad, Our SPC Floating Floor is the Perfect Choice for Easy, Hassle-Free Installation. Say Goodbye to Messy Glues and Hello to Realistic Design with Our Rustic Charm Collection!
For all installations over a concrete supfloor, a vapor barrier is required.

Carpet Express recommends a floorcovering professional to determine the amount of flooring you should purchase. Computer screen colors may vary from actual material. Please view actual samples to ensure your satisfaction.

Installation Method: 5gi Locking System
Pad: Attached 1mm IXPE
Grade: Below, On, or Above Grade
Total Thickness: 5mm
Width: 7.25 Inches
Length: 48.8 Inches
Wear Layer: 20 mil
SuFace Treament: Diamond Finish (Anti-Scratch, Anti-Stain, & Anti-Microbial)
Finish: Ceramic Bead UV Coating
Pcs Per Box: 10
SF Per Box: 23.100
FloorScore Certified
15 Year Light Commercial
25 Year Residential
Attached IXPE Pad

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