The products featured in our clearance section are sold at very large discounts. As a result, some of these products do not include a manufacturer or Carpet Express warranty. Please refer to the product detail for warranty information.
$1.49 SQ FT
REG $2.29
$0.79 SQ FT
REG $2.29
$1.79 SQ FT
REG $4.30
$1.79 SQ FT
REG $4.30
$0.66 SQ FT
REG $1.20
$0.79 SQ FT
REG $1.40
$0.89 SQ FT
REG $1.30
$0.99 SQ FT
REG $1.40
$0.99 SQ FT | $8.91 SY
$0.99 SQ FT