Mohawk has really hit a home run with Smartstrand. We are very excited about these products. Smartstrand carpet with DuPont Sorona leads innovation in sustainable flooring with its “renewably sourced polymer.” Just in case “renewable sourced polymer” sounds too technical to you (as it did to me), all it means is that the carpet fiber is largely made of corn sugar. For me and the rest of us at Carpet Express, this is very exciting. This corn sugar sourced ingredient, “Bio-PDO,” is not just great because it comes from a renewable source, but it also directly reduces the need of petroleum in polymer production. Say that three times fast!

By using the natural sugar found in corn, 37% of Sorona is being made from renewable resources. Smartstrand is a one of a kind soft soft soft carpet fiber, it offers durability and stain protection, and it is making less of an environmental impact. Talk about having your cake and eating it to!

Smartstrand carpet fiber requires 30% less energy than the production of an equal amount of nylon. Greenhouse gas emissions from the production of Sorona® are 63% lower than nylon manufacturing. This energy reduction results in approximately one gallon of gasoline saved per every seven square yards of carpet.

Fact: Every seven yards of SmartStrand saves enough energy and resources to equal the equivalent of one gallon of gasoline!

View the product line and colors here.

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Smartstrand Carpet, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings
  1. Hey, This is really a nice carpet which is useful for us. I totally agree with this information. Smartstrand carpet is such a fabulous.. I like it. It is one of my favorite…

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  2. Choosing carpet color can be a very difficult assignment when you are looking to purchase new carpet. The color of the carpet is often the most important factor and finding that perfect color for your home may not be easy.

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