shaw-lifeguardThis year, Shaw Floors is introducing Lifeguard, which is its new carpet protection system. This protection system covers the entire product from face fiber to backing. Carpets that have LifeGuard are treated with Shaw’s patented R2X Stain and Soil Resistance Protection. These carpets also have a patented 100% thermoplastic commercial grade backing, which provides a moisture barrier that is highly resistant to liquids soaking into the carpet padding and sub-floor.
LifeGuard’s patented backing system keeps liquids from seeping into the carpet backing, which makes the carpet easier to clean and offers protection against odor causing spills, such as pet accidents. Shaw’s LifeGuard protection system will dissipate and eliminate odors in 30 minutes or less. Also, the stain and soil resistance will not wear or wash off after repeated cleanings.
Shaw carpets with LifeGuard are easy to clean, maintain, and install. Also, since the backing is flexible, the carpet is easy to install on stairs. The carpets with Lifeguard also help protect painted baseboards and door casings. In addition, most of this carpet is recyclable because of how it is constructed.

Click here to see our selection of Shaw carpet.

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