M 3Pinterest boards are created for different occasions, holidays, fashion trends, and even rooms of a home. They are great ways to get inspiration or ideas about how to decorate your own home. We have created many Pinterest boards of our own, which have great ideas for each type of interior design style.
One of our boards, the Mediterranean Delight, has a lot of great ideas on how to create a Mediterranean style in many different rooms of a house. You can use many different types of flooring and color schemes to help create a Mediterranean design. Hardwood flooring and tile are the most popular choices for a Mediterranean design, but you can use whatever flooring works best with your room design.
Click here to see our Mediterranean Delight interior design Pinterest board.

Here are a few images of Mediterranean styled rooms:

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Click here to see our selection of hardwood flooring.
Click here to see our selection of luxury vinyl tile flooring.

We would love to hear about how you would create a Mediterranean design in your home, and if you already have a Mediterranean design, we would love to see pictures.





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